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Closing Soon: March 4th (2025) Start - Online Course 2: The Schema Mode Model and Mode Interventions for Complex Cases
Welcome to Schema Therapy Online Course Level 2!
Intro: Getting the most out of your online course with Chris and Rob
Video Welcome - From Chris and Rob (6:40)
Core Reading Week 1: Schema Therapy The Mode Model
Week 1: The Schema Mode Model: An Introduction
Welcome to Week 1 (5:04)
Week 1 Webinar Video (Part 1): Conceptual Background to the 'Mode' Concept and Mode Model (27:05)
Week 1 Webinar Video (Part 2): Getting to Know the Modes (34:36)
Week 1 Webinar Video (Part 3) Getting to Know the Modes Role Play with Chris and Rob (21:57)
Building your Mode Fluency with Movie Clips (Scroll Down for Instructions) (9:36)
Week 1 Reflection Exercise: Building Your Mode Fluency with Exemplars
Week 1 Homework for Next Week: Give one Patient the Schema Mode Inventory (Due Week 2)
Additional/Optional (Geek Out Reading) Beyond Belief (Beck, 1996)
Week 2: Assessment, Conceptualisation and Formulation using the Mode Model
Week 2 Welcome and Overview with Rob (4 Mins) (2:05)
Scoring and Interpreting the Schema Mode Inventory (13:18)
Week 2 Webinar Video (Part 1): Mode Assessment and Formulation (30 Minutes) (30:01)
Mode Assessment Hack > Using your Key Problem Areas
Week 2 Reflection Task: Mode Mapping a Client
Week 2 Webinar Video (Part 2): Imagining the Road Ahead - Structuring Treatment in Schema Therapy (20 Min) (19:26)
Reading Material: Case Conceptualisation in Schema Therapy - Fassbender et al (2019)
Week 3 - Change Processes in Schema Mode Work
Intro to Week 3 - Core Change Approaches in Schema Mode Work (16:08)
Week 3 Podcast Audio: Limited Reparenting, Empathic Confrontation and Attunement
Skills Videos: Use of Empathic Confrontation and Care with the Aggrandiser (24:31)
Skills Video: Limit Setting and Empathic Confrontation (8:02)
Week 3 Skills Video: A 5-Step Process Model of Attunement (21:28)
Week 3 Skills Video: Application of 5-Step Process Approach to Attunement with an Overcontroller Mode Active (13:06)
Week 3 Reflection Exercise: Practice Attunement with a Client (or colleague)
Week 4: Bypassing Coping Modes - Mode Work in Schema Therapy
Week 4 Webinar: Mode Work in Schema Therapy (23:53)
Week 4 Skills Video: Using Chair Work to Bypass Detached Protector Mode (7:55)
Week 4: Skills Video - Interviewing the Detached Protector Mode (10:56)
Skills Video: Moding out a Trigger (10 Mins) (9:21)
Week 4 Reflection Task: "Moding" Out A Problem
Bonus Video Podcast: "What's the Schema" Interview with Wendy Behary on Narcissism and Empathic Confrontation (49:57)
Save the Date!!! Tuesday April 8th (2025) 3pm (Melbourne/ Sydney time)
Skills Video - Presenting a Mode Map to Client (8:05)
Week 5: Working with Critic Modes & Vulnerable Child Mode
Reading: Imagery Rescrtipting for Childhood Memories (Hayes & Wijngaart 2020)
Week 5 Video Presentation: Critic Modes Defined (18 minutes) (17:28)
Webinar: Experiential Methods in Working With Critic Modes - Chair Work (13:32)
Week 5: Skills Video: Chair Work with Punitive Critic Mode (8:25)
New Lecture: Webinar: Experiential Methods - Imagery (16:15)
Week 5 Skills Presentation: Using Imagery Rescripting (13:28)
Skills Video- Chair Work - With the Vulnerable Child Mode (3:42)
Week 5 Reflection Exercise 1: 5-Key Take-aways from this week
Week 5 Reflection and Skills Exercise: Using chair work in your practice
Week 6: Therapist Schemas - Course Reflection - Resources - Road Ahead
Video Presentation, Are you getting in your own way? (15:34)
Self-Reflection Task: Mode-Flash Card
Skills Demonstration: Imagery Rescripting of Therapist Unrelenting Standards/Failure Schema (20:03)
Role Play Task (Optional): Imagery Rescripting of Therapist Schemas
Video: Evidence-Base for Schema Therapy (11:34)
Downloading your Certificate and Keeping and ''Active'' PD Record/ Course End Date
Bonus Material
Video- Resources/ Texts & What Next... (11:08)
Bonus Teaser from "Tough Cases" Course (28:04)
Bonus Refresher 1: Behavioural Pattern Breaking in Schema Therapy (12:52)
Bonus Refresher 2: Homework Tasks in Schema Therapy (3:41)
Bonus Content: Schema Therapy Cafe July 2020 (127:30)
Bonus: Video Presentation - Take Home Messages, Summary, and Road Ahead From Zoom Cafe' (Uploaded 9th July) (64:32)
Role Play Task (Optional): Imagery Rescripting of Therapist Schemas
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